Thursday, June 4, 2009

My little loves

When I talk about my little loves there only one real thing I could talking about and that's my kids. I have 4 beautiful children that are amzing and beautiful and so stinkin smart! Two of my babies have birthdays in June, my baby girl Emma turned 9 just a few days ago and my little mister will be 2 at the end of the month. It's always amazing how fast the time flies and how much they can change in just a year. For me it's time of reflection and a wonderful celebration. Here are a few shots I got of the birthday girl :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My little loves

When I talk about my little loves there only one real thing I could talking about and that's my kids. I have 4 beautiful children that are amzing and beautiful and so stinkin smart! Two of my babies have birthdays in June, my baby girl Emma turned 9 just a few days ago and my little mister will be 2 at the end of the month. It's always amazing how fast the time flies and how much they can change in just a year. For me it's time of reflection and a wonderful celebration. Here are a few shots I got of the birthday girl :)